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A note to note, Mumbai!

While in train during my visit to pune along with Abhinav, for attending an Opensocial Developer Garage, Workshop, I wrote few poems, we had a tremendous tour, we were going to Pune in train without any reservation and the train was like packed, there was not even place to sit, for few hours we sit near the bathroom :P even there were more than 25 people. That journey was itself an experience, and finally we get to sit on a seat, managing to make friends with a group of people from Bangalaru, they were on a visit to Rajasthan, all were retired. Those people show pity on us, gave us seat. This is I think that can happen only in India. While sitting I managed to write a small poem,

ये तो वो नही जो दिखता है,
जब सत्य इतना सुंदर है,
तो सत्य-सत्य क्यूँ नहीं हर जगह?

अभी तो हर क्षण तैयार है एक
नया अचरज, अभी भी आँखें
खुली है, और बंद नहीं हो रहा है
मेरा मुंह, जब सत्य इतना सुंदर है
तो सत्य-सत्य क्यूँ नहीं हर जगह?

लगता है हर क्षण हो रहा हूँ,
में कुछ और बड़ा,
एक नई सीख, सीख रहा हूँ,
हर क्षण।

अभी तक मैं गिन रहा था,
वह-वह हो नहीं हूँ मैं,
पर अब मैं गिन रहा हूँ
वह-वह जो हूँ मैं।
लगता है हर क्षण हो रहा
हूँ कुछ और बड़ा मैं।

The whole Mumbai Pune trip was absolutely amazing, I got to learn so many things, technically and socially. The life of Mumbai is really amazing, the local trains of Mumbai, the flat culture, the crowd everything is so mind blowing in every sense. I could feel that why Mumbai is called the city of dreams, really Mumbai is city of dreams! I don't know why I am saying this, but there is a feeling that make you live upto your dreams, I think because you become so much commom man that your inner being shakes you every day to get out of all this. No body cares of any body around, people, people every where! And the Juhu Beach, its astonishingly cooooool to see the ocean! I was feeling like I had come to some where else, out of this planet! The Ocean man! I think Ocean is the inspiration for all the Mumbaikars!
The ocean gave me an image of what we call wide, think big! This is really big! The wind I felt while on Juhu Beach was the coolest, I could still feel that. It was amazing to see people enjoying on the beach, all type of people, the middle class, the upper class, everyone, I also couldn't resist myself from removing my shoes and go into water! When waves came towards me I felt like the whole universe is coming towards me! Everything is accepting me! The feeling of acceptance was amazing! And I wish I could get wet, alas! thats due for the next time!

It's due here to mention about local trains of Mumbai, before going there I had heard a lot about them, and everything I heared I had an impression that is excessive, travelling in Local trains removed my wrong impression! It is the worst thing you want to travel in! But at the same time it is the best thing to travel in, if you are in Mumbai! so Local trains are a need and they are like living legends! It gave an impression of how India is being managed! Everything is happening automatically, Considering the amount of people travelling in Local Trains everyday, the ratio of accidents and mishaps is amazing low! This is why we call India "Ram Bharose"

A final note to anybody going to Mumbai, must go for local trains once! or you have to go once!

During whole of my journey I had one more companion with me, Madhushala!
I would like to write a few lines of it over here,

लाल सुरा क धार लपट सी,
कह न इसे देना ज्वाला,
फेनिल मदिरा है मत इसको
कह देना उर का छाला,
दर्द नशा है इस मदिरा का,
विगत स्मृतिया साकी है,
पीड़ा में आनंद जिसे हो
आए मेरी मधुशाला!

Thanks for coming to my Madhushala!


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