Call us Fighters!
Its a great thing to have something to write down. Starting my first blog this time, i have decided to be regular in posting blog, reason I want my self updated as well as my friends, i want to be expressive. I hope I could do a better job this time.
Being an engineering student you are supposed to do many things simultaneously. The whole thing is that we have to manage several things in such a way that they should not get mixed. Here in this post i am calling all the engineering students the real 'fighters'. This fighting is against silly old thinking of our elders, this fighting is against those stupid lecturers like our computer teacher, who think they know everything but not C, this fighting is against the mind and soul, since these two always put you in trouble.
Its a great thing to have something to write down. Starting my first blog this time, i have decided to be regular in posting blog, reason I want my self updated as well as my friends, i want to be expressive. I hope I could do a better job this time.
Being an engineering student you are supposed to do many things simultaneously. The whole thing is that we have to manage several things in such a way that they should not get mixed. Here in this post i am calling all the engineering students the real 'fighters'. This fighting is against silly old thinking of our elders, this fighting is against those stupid lecturers like our computer teacher, who think they know everything but not C, this fighting is against the mind and soul, since these two always put you in trouble.
Keep your blog up. :)