Looks like there is always something good lies out of bad! After a very disappointing GSoC result, I got a good news from it, I talked with Samuel @ Joomla! and he says I am in for Google Swag and will be working as unfunded Google Summer of Code student! now thats really cool, I can't expect more than that this time, So finally I can write that its like dream come true, I had thought of writing a great post if I get selected in GSoC , but since I couldn't make it, I still have reason to write here, extremely happy ! Looks like I have got reward for all the work i did and similar to what happened at Techkriti, IIT Kanpur, in that also I worked hard to get in MyFox but at the end got prize in IOHC, that experience has really changed my life! I learn making firefox addon during that, eventually couldn't submit a very good addon, but the far result is this, that I was being able to propose a great idea for GSoC all because of that, I really want to thank organizer of techkrit...
My view on love,life,music,world and almost everything